The final photos have been taken. The cake has been cut and smashed in my face accordingly. The glass has been stomped, the champagne toasted, and cards have all been opened.

There was also a splendid honeymoon, nine nights of absolutely no worries or regrets (aside from the mixture of alabaster white skin meeting the sun for the first time in years- ow, ow, ow). Snorkels have been deployed, fish disturbed, contests won, and ports of call pillaged.
So it all begs the questions... what now, and where do I go from here? More specifically, how do I motivate myself now?
First, let's review the blessings of the last month, since I last put words to page. The wedding was spectacular, the bride gorgeous, and aside from oppressive heat, resulting sweat, and dinosaur-sized bees, we had a wonderful ceremony.
The reception was a blur. Yep, my boys lifted me up in the chair whilst our guests danced to Hora around us. The pace seemed dizzying, from the time we got to the site until we ended the night in true UCMB fashion by singing "Piano Man." We arrived back at the hotel to find Megan's car completely covered in streamers, window paint, Vasoline, confetti, balloons, and latex contraceptives.
Two days later, we were in the Caribbean, enjoying the true fruits of our labor as we spent a great deal of time poolside. Throwing aside a lifetime of modesty, the shirt came off. My skin singed, turned red, peeled, then was briefly brown for a day, before it burned again.
Weight-wise, I never quite hit the 80 pounds, but I got pretty darn close. Within two pounds, to be exact. I even managed to do a much coveted pull-up, without aid, and then two more. Mt muscles have genuine definition. I almost felt comfortable with my shirt off.
The year's worth of Weight Watching, ubergyming, and sweets sacrificing was definitely worth it. I am proud to show off these pics, and that's coming from a guy who has spent the better part of 20 years avoiding cameras.

That's right, I got ups! Perhaps this image is NSFW?
But now everything we'd been preparing for, savoring, and stressing about is over. The milestone is behind us. My goal all along had been to lose as much weight as possible before the wedding. At this point, the wedding is well in the rear-view mirror.
I need a new motivator, and if I don't find one, I'm in danger.
The bad thing about a wedding (and then more weddings, birthday parties, and cruise buffets) is that is impossible to eat responsibly. You are surrounded by all things sugary, fattening, and delicious. Throw in open bars and frilly foo-foo umbrella drinks (of which there were several on the cruise), and you have great weight peril.
In the month since the wedding, I've gained eight pounds. Granted, I was unable to go to the gym at my usual frequency, but eight pounds in a month is scary. Imagine five months, or 10. This weight could come back with a vengeance. And that, more than any movie involving carnivorous fish, is terrifying.
I need to recommit. While the wedding is no longer a motivator, there are other things coming up that would behoove me to look slender and jacked. In fact, both occur in the same weekend.
The Manchester Road Race is still a goal. On Thanksgiving, I am steadfast in my quest to run that course. It will be a much easier jog if I am not carrying 30 extra pounds.
Then, the next day, comes an event 10 years in the making. It's my high school reunion, populated by scores of classmates who remember a much rounder, chubbier me. Granted, many of them have read this here blog, so they may know they're getting a different Matt than they can recall. But, there will still be plenty of surprised faces in I walk into the room, gorgeous new wife on my arm, and about 100 pounds lighter than I was the day I got my high school diploma.
Those are events. The true test comes with trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the rest of my years, no matter what obstacles present themselves. That marks the most difficult prospect of all, one that begs to question my strength more than any pull-up bar.
In the meantime, it's back to work. I don't know how much longer this blog will continue, but there will still be plenty to chronicle. The Wedding Fast is over. The Reunion Reduction is now underway.
Before I give the final stats, here's a quick plug. This weekend, I am once again participating in Relay for Life, this time as a member of Team Goodwin College. For anyone who would like to support the cause, here's the link:
And now, here's the final stats of the Great Wedding Fast.
Weeks until the wedding: -5
Peak weight loss: 78 lbs
Percentage toward overall 80-lb. goal: 97.5
Reasons to stop now: Can't think of any.
Most inspirational person through the process: Unquestionably, Megan.
Biggest hurdles: Carrot cake, muffins, nacho platters, Ben and his dastardly friend Jerry
Peak percentage of weight loss: 26.5.
Next life milestone: Buying a house?
Four-legged friend that could come with a house: a dog!
Movie quote trivia contests won on the cruise ship: one
Cruise ship record set in said contest: Now belongs to the new Mr. and Mrs. Engelhardt
Matt when he left high school: bitter, confused, timid, obese
Matt on his reunion: To be determined, but I've got a helluva head start!