Friday, December 4, 2009

Succeed or fail, it's all on me

Whenever things don't work out they way we expect or hope, it's always easy to find a myriad of excuses as to why.

In terms of weight loss, that rings true as the Silver Bells playing on the radio during the holiday season. If pounds add up, so do the excuses.

"Maybe if people hadn't brought all that junk food into work, I wouldn't have to eat it!"

"It's not my fault. There shouldn't have been so much pie to get me off track!"

"Look, I'm stressed, and there's no light beer in the fridge. Spike some eggnog and help me relax!"

"Maybe if Oreos would come out with a better tasting reduced fat cookie, I wouldn't have to fill my mouth with all these double-stuffs!"

"Well, maybe if Santa wasn't so darn jolly, there wouldn't be so many expectations for the chubby to get chubbier and spread holiday cheer!"

I'm sure you can think of hundred of your own excuses that you've heard... or made yourself... about why a diet didn't work, or how the holidays got your goat. And I could too, but regardless of how many people I can find to blame or how many pumpkin pies were waved in my face, it's not someone else who has to carry the gut.

To hell with excuses.

When I began this challenge, I knew that there would be plenty of temptation. Two weeks ago, I did my best to laugh in the face of it, to the point of taunting poor defenseless-yet-delicious turkeys. I knew full well that I could screw up, and perhaps by talking (or writing) tough, I'd pump myself up to defeat the bird.

It was hard. Good lord, was it hard, and I'd love to say that I made it through Thanksgiving without trips for seconds. But then I'd be lying, and honesty is a good policy, so I'll be truthful. I wasn't as focused as I should have been. I didn't glutton myself, but I didn't exactly refrain or carefully portion out my food. I also figured, again foolishly, that Herculean efforts at the gym would make up for a day or two of indulgence.

Unfortunately, Thanksgiving doesn't actually last one day. It lasts for several, and every time you think you've poured your last gravy, there are a few more leftovers still left in the fridge. When you're surrounded by stuffing and sweet potato casserole, the last thing you want to do is track your points. So as much big game as I talked, I was a little too lax, despite putting in hours at the gym.

The good news: I didn't gain any weight over the last two weeks. The bad news: I didn't lose anything either, and now we're in December. If I was a bear (and if there is such a thing as reincarnation, I think I'd make a swell grizzly), this is the time when I'd be fattening up to hibernate. While my hair quotient might lead someone to suspect I'm at least part bear, I have no reason to pack on the pounds or to sleep for months at a time. Hanukkah starts next week, Christmas soon after that, and there will be plenty of goodies and parties just begging for me to misstep. Hershey, Nabisco, Nestle, Baconnaise... if I'm not careful, they'll find a way to make me submit.

And if I do, I'll have to accept it and only blame myself. Excuses are easy. It's facing yourself that's the hardest part.

Stat Boy!

Weeks until wedding: 35
Week 13-14 pounds lost: 0. At least there was nothing gained.
Total weight lost: 39.6
Average weight loss per week: 2.8
Percentage of overall 60-pound goal: 66 percent
Pounds remaining to lose: 20.4
Number of subscribers to this blog: 26. Can we hit 35 by the New Year? What if I promise more candy?
Number last week: 24.
Cool things about Hanukkah: Maccabees, latkes, Hannukah Harry sketch on SNL, menorahs
Sucky things about Hanukkah: Adam Sandler's stupid song. Ya, we get it: these people are Jewish! Now shut up!
Places that have grizzly bears: Yellowstone, Alaska, zoos
Not smart: taunting grizzlies.


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