Monday, June 21, 2010

Down the stretch they come!

This the part of the race when the announcer gets all dramatic and starts forgetting to breathe.

Much of the race has already been run; there's only a handful of horses still in contention. The rest have fallen behind, perhaps daydreaming about going out to stud or worrying about a trip to the glue factory. Hell, I don't even care for horse racing and have no real betting interest, but this is the point when I perk up and get ready for the finish.

Of course, I am not a horse. I am not going to make the obligatory Mr. Ed reference there either. I can't even run very fast (but I'm working on it). In nuptial terms, however, I am very much approaching the finish, and it's a bit exhilarating.

In 28 days- that's one month or a movie title later, whether it be a Sandra Bullock chick flick or a zombie thriller- all the buildup will be over. The months of planning (and, let's face it, most of it by Megan) will have been completed. She and I will be married, and in turn, begin the actual marriage part of the whole shebang. There will be no more bachelor parties or bridal showers, at least not for us. We start (excuse the cliche) the rest of our lives, and it is a cool feeling to be where we are.

Part of me feels like Red at the end of Shawshank, excited to be starting a new adventure. But, at the risk of sounding a bit sappy, I know exactly what I am entering. Megan and I have been together for almost three years, and there are few surprises any more. It's nice to have someone who knows every aspect of me, and who fell in love with me when I was less than happy with the way I looked.

She is a remarkable woman and a beloved teacher. Together, we make a great pair, and we are very much ready for getting married. I'm eager to stomp the glass, and even more eager to embark on the honeymoon cruise. Mostly though, I'm eager to make it all official, and to have her as my wife.

Author's note: The sappy part of the blog ends now.

The pending wedding date also means it's almost time to make good on this little pledge o' mine. With less than a month to go, I am currently more than 75 pounds lighter than I was when I started this blog. I hit that figure last week, following another kamikaze few days at the gym. I am less than five pounds away from 80. I have lost more than 25 percent of my body weight.

In effect, Chubby Matt (or Griff, or Big Pun), is disappearing. He's always going to be lurking, but I no longer live in fear of him taking over my life. He has been replaced with a new, sleeker model. It's like trading in the bulky minivan for something sportier and with better gas mileage. Dear lord, it appears my stomach is having a midlife crisis... and I'm only 28 years old.

Seventy-five pounds also means more Weight Watchers bling, should I ever stay through a meeting. Things have been extremely busy lately, and it's been pretty difficult motivating myself to attend an entire meeting any more. At this point in the program, I feel like I know what I need to do. I am motivated to get this done, and I am winning.

I am going to try like hell to get to 80 pounds. Sometimes, you get some extra help when you didn't necessarily want it, like the day after your bachelor party. Most of the time, though, it is a struggle. I know the real battle will be later, when it is time to maintain this body for the rest of my life and not allow myself to go the way of the Duncan yoyo. I have a set goal, and if there's one thing I've learned about myself during this experiment, it's that those goals are more than empty promises to me. They mean something, and there is genuine satisfaction with setting a high mark and being able to reach it.

The other question is what happens with this blog. By my count, over the last 10 months or so, I've posted almost 60 times, and written the equivalent of a novel or memoir. I know I'm not going to continue the blog forever. There will be other goals and quests, and certainly other things to write about. But I worry about losing this crutch. This blog keeps me honest and puts me under the microscope. What happens when I take that away, and no longer have to hold myself accountable to an audience?

The challenges aren't going to cease. Motivation will have to come in different forms.

This has been so much fun. Writing is cathartic, and especially now that my journalistic days are behind me, it's imperative for me to find an outlet. In the weeks to come, I promise there will be more posts, and when I return from the honeymoon, there will be a conclusion. Perhaps- no promises, but just perhaps- there will be some poolside photos of me taken on the ship that I might just get brave enough to post.

So yes, I am in the final stretch, in so many different ways. Here's to a hell of a finish to what has been a tremendous ride.

And STATS is off to a big lead!

Days until wedding: 28. Really, at this point at night, it's closer to 27, but who's counting?

Weight lost in Week 40-41: 2.6 lbs

Total weight loss after Week 40: 75.2 pounds

Progress toward 60 lb goal: 125.33333 percent

Progress toward 80-pound goal: 94 percent

Weight left to lose: 4.8 pounds. That's 1.2 per week. Photo finish!

Things I know about horse racing: Secretariat was a good horsie?

Current obsession: World Cup Soccer, Wendy's as hangover cure

Cure to obsession: All vuvuzela, all the time.

1 comment:

  1. real hangover cure is 1000 milligrams of tylenol and a liter of water. repeat the water every hour and the tylenol every 4 until the hangover is gone.

